U.S.S. Archon, NCC-189 Destroyed in 2167 at planet Beta III by the computer Landru.
U.S.S. Essex, NCC-173 Early Starfleet vessel destroyed at moon of planet Mab-Bu VI.
U.S.S. Horizon, NCC-176 Made first contact with planet Lotia in 2168, leaving behind a book on the Chicago mobs of the 1920s, resulting in a severe cultural contamination.
U.S.S. Defiant, NX-74205 A heavily armed "escort" vessel equipped with a cloaking device; commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko.
U.S.S. Arcos, NCC-6237 Suffered a warp containment breach near planet Turkana IV; crew was captured by members of the Alliance.
U.S.S. LaSalle, NCC-6203 Reported radiation anomalies in the Gamma Arigulon system.
U.S.S. Berlin, NCC-14232 Answered distress call from Federation outpost near Romulan Neutral Zone.
U.S.S. Cairo, NCC-42136 Transported Vice-Admiral Nechayev to Enterprise-D in 2369.
U.S.S. Charleston, NCC-42285 Ferried revived 20th-century cryonic survivors back to Earth in 2364.
U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701B Third Starship Enterprise
U.S.S. Excelsior, NCC-2000 First Starship of the Excelsior class; commanded by Captain Hikaru Sulu.
U.S.S. Fearless, NCC-14598 Ship on which Kosinski tested an experimental warp drive upgrade in 2364.
U.S.S. Gorkon, NCC-40512 Part of a task force for the expected Borg invasion of 2369.
U.S.S. Hood, NCC-42296 Riker's assignment before the Enterprise-D; transferred Riker, Crusher, and La Forge to Enterprise-D; assisted Enterprise-D in terraforming project to Browder IV; transported Tam Ulbrun to Enterprise-D; commanded by Captain Robert DeSoto.
U.S.S. Melbourne, NCC-62043 Riker was offered this command in 2366; Melbourne was one of 39 starships destroyed by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359.
U.S.S. Potemkin, NCC-8253 Riker served aboard this ship in 2361, prior to Hood and Enterprise-D; transferred Dr. Toby Russell to Enterprise-D in 2368.
U.S.S. Repulse, NCC-2544 Dr. Katherine Pulaski's assignment prior to Enterprise-D; commanded by Captain Taggert.
U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701D Fifth starship to bear the name; launched in 2363; commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard
U.S.S. Galaxy
U.S.S. Odyssey, NCC-71832 Destroyed by a Dominion attack in the Gamma Quadrant.
U.S.S. Yamato, NCC-71807 Destroyed by an ancient Iconian computer virus weapon; commanded by Captain Donald Varley.
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