U.S.S. Endeavor, NCC-71805 Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.
U.S.S. Merrimac, NCC-61827 Transported Sarek back to Vulcan after the Legaran conference; took Wesley Crusher back to Starfleet Academy in 2368.
U.S.S. Monitor, NCC-61826 Assigned to respond to Romulan threat.
U.S.S. Phoenix, NCC-65420 Commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell who made unauthorized attacks on Cardassian forces in 2367.
U.S.S. Sutherland, NCC-72015 Served in Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war under the command of Lieutenant Commander Data.
U.S.S. Kyushu, NCC-65491 Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.
U.S.S. Renegade, NCC-63102 Met the Enterprise-D at Dytallix B in 2364; formerly commanded by Captain Tryla Scott.
U.S.S. Rutledge, NCC-57295 Commanded by Captain Benjamin Maxwell with tactical officer Miles O'Brien during the Cardassian war.
U.S.S. Thomas Paine, NCC-65530 Met the Enterprise-D at Dytallix-B in 2364; commanded by Captain Rixx.
U.S.S. Wellington, NCC-28473 Underwent a computer system upgrade by the Bynars at Starbase 74; Ensign Ro's assignment before the Enterprise-D.
U.S.S. Cochrane, NCC-59318 Transported Dr. Julian Bashir to station Deep Space 9.
U.S.S. Copernicus, NCC-623 Ship in ship dock when the alien probe caused ecological damage on Earth in 2286.
U.S.S. Grissom, NCC-638 Science vessel investigating the Genesis Planet in 2285; commanded by Captain J.T. Esteban; destroyed by a Klingon attack.
U.S.S. Grissom, NCC-59314 Ship requested to stand by for possible help with underground tricyanate contamination of planet Beta Agni II.
U.S.S. Tsiolkovsky, NCC-53911 Science vessel, crew killed by the Psi 2000 virus in 2364, ship destroyed by stellar fragment.
U.S.S. Vico, NAR-18834 Destroyed in the Black Cluster with only a single survivor; not a Starfleet ship.
U.S.S. Yosemite, NCC-19002 Damaged while conducting a study on the plasma streamer.
U.S.S. Aries, NCC-45167 Riker turned down a chance to command this ship in 2365; ship from which Emilita Mendez stole Shuttlepod Cousteau to return to planet Tarchannen III.
U.S.S. Hornet, NCC-10523 Served as part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.
U.S.S. Akagi, NCC-62158 Served as part of Picard's armada to blockade Romulan supply ships during the Klingon civil war.
U.S.S. Tolstoy, NCC-62095 Destroyed by the Borg at the battle of Wolf 359.
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